Additional school buildings in Berlin – Ceremonial handover

The modular school extension LOG E at Brodenbacher Weg 31 in Berlin was officially handed over to the users on 20 June 2024 as part of the school festival of the Moselviertel primary school. The two-storey building provides approximately 860 m² of space in seven classrooms for 182 pupils.
The outdoor facilities will be completed by the end of August, with additional planting to follow in the autumn. The key was symbolically handed over by Mr Pasternack, the Pankow District Councillor for Schools, Sport and Facilities Management, to three class representatives who will move into the building with the class before the summer holidays.

We would like to thank everyone involved in the project for their commitment and successful collaboration. We look forward to continuing to work together on exciting projects in the future!

<<see project>>