BIMcert Foundation certification

Recently, the BIMcert Foundation certification was successfully completed by members of the WGA BIM team. Carlos Mayerle, Boy D’Hont, Antoni Dimitrov, Karl Engelmaier and Markus Zeisig were admitted to the circle of 270 BIMcert-qualified engineers in Austria. The qualification and certification program offered by Building Smart certifies that engineers have extensive knowledge of openBIM working methods, in accordance with the internationally recognised buildingSMART standards. As a result, WGA ZT GmbH was able to take a significant step towards a future-oriented planning and construction process.

Among other things, BIMcert is unique from the models currently on offer due to its focus on direct application in the planning process, with the direct involvement of those involved.

Meanwhile, our WGA BIM team is actively working on the subsequent certification module of the BIMcert Practitioner Coordination and will be able to take on a pioneering role in Austria when they have completed this module in the near future.

The course, which follows on from the acquired understanding, is currently progressing rapidly and is characterised by the intensive examination of the structured preparation and management of digital building models. Through model-based communication and collaboration, it is particularly quickly possible to demonstrate complex and interdisciplinary relationships and to identify any problems at an early stage.

Additionally, with the Solibri training already completed by October 21st, 2021, an essential cornerstone for collaboration using openBIM procedures has been set. As a testing software, Solibri offers solutions for validation, process coordination, design review, and analysis.