Ameisgasse 28, Vienna – Façade in progress

The façade of the Ameisgasse 28 development is slowly coming into view. The noise barrier has been dismantled and removed, and the facade is currently being insulated. The room-high fixed glazing on the 2nd floor is being installed on the … Continued

Road Maintenance Depot Stoob – Topping-out ceremony

The topping-out ceremony for the Stoob Road Maintenance Facility project took place on 27 February. Representatives of Landesimmobilien Burgenland, STRABAG AG, WGA ZT GmbH, DELTA Holding GmbH, Gschwandtl & Lindlbauer ZT GmbH and many other participating companies followed the invitation … Continued

Ellener Hof, Bremen – Interior work in progress

The non-load-bearing internal walls and the facing shells of the KLH flat partitions have been erected for all the apartments. The flat stations, consisting of media, electrical, and heating distribution cabinets, have been installed in the conventional drywalls provided for … Continued

Wagramer Straße 64-66, Vienna – Structural work progressing rapidly

Der Baufortschritt in der Wagramer Straße 64-66 ist anhand der aktuellen Rohbauarbeiten bereits deutlich erkennbar. Nach der erfolgten Herstellung der Decke über dem 1.Obergeschoss, ist das Aufstellen der Hohlwände im 2. Obergeschoss derzeit im Gange. Anhand der bereits versetzten Balkonplatten … Continued