WGA ZT Ltd. – Barbecue afternoon

Our office in Vienna said goodbye to the summer with a joint barbecue afternoon. On Friday, September 17th, 2021, we all got together in the office garden at 1 pm and had a great time laughing, eating great food and playing … Continued

An interview with Harald Oissner

In our last interview, our managing partner, Harald Oissner, explained his personal experiences in the architecture industry. Today, we would like to present our company in more detail in another interview with Harald Oissner and discuss current developments in the … Continued

Our team buildings: A brief overview

The year 2020 was an extraordinary one. There have been significant changes in everyone’s personal lives and jobs – including for us. The word “distance” has established itself in our daily lives and will probably be with us for a … Continued

Architect’s work

What does an architect do? This is not an easy question to answer. It’s a very wide-ranging job that offers a variety of areas where you can work. Depending on where your individual strengths and interests lie, you can deepen … Continued

2 year anniversary at our company’s new location

Two years! It is now exactly two years since we moved into our company’s new offices at Bloch-Bauer Promenade 21, 1100 in Vienna: It is amazing how fast time passes, and how much has happened over the last two years. … Continued

Skiday – Stuhleck

On Friday, February the 28th, 2020, it was time again for us to look for the snow again and to spend a nice winter day in the skiing area ” Stuhleck am Semmering” together. While one part of the group … Continued

Strategy Seminar – January 2020

From January 17th – January 18th, 2020, our annual strategy seminar took place in the guest house “Zur Traube” in Neckenmarkt in the beautiful Burgenland. This year, a total of 21 people from our management team took part in the … Continued

Christmas party 2019

Christmas party 2019 On Tuesday, December the 17th, 2019, our Christmas party took place in the restaurant “Skopik&Lohn” in the second district of Vienna.The WGA team met at 6 pm in the restaurant. All guests were greeted with a delicious … Continued