Digital Opportunities Summit – Successful implementation of ISO 27001:2022

We are delighted to have been selected as one of the eight winners of the VZI Campaign “Digital Opportunities“ , which gave us the opportunity to present our project on 23.09.2023 at the “Digital Opportunities Summit“. By successfully implementing ISO 27001:2022 information security management system, as one of the first companies in the field of architecture and general planning, we have taken a significant step towards strengthening our information security and competitiveness.

Digitisation and the increasing demands made by regulators meant that we needed to prioritise protecting sensitive data. In particular, the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) highlighted the need for a robust security strategy. Our main motivations have been to increase the trust our customers place in us, to ensure that we meet  international standards, to sharpen the focus on information security within the company, and to become compliant with the NIS2 Directive (EU Directive on cyber security). This implementation means that we have been able to make significant improvements to the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of our information. The certification has not just increased the security of our IT infrastructure, it has also maximised the efficiency of our operations and ensured compliance with legal regulations. The project is also contributing to the promotion of environmentally friendly solutions that make efficient use of resources. The project ran from April 2023 to February 2024.