Kindergarten Schwadorf Expansion – Window are being installed

Construction work on the extension to the Schwadorf Kindergarten is also progressing rapidly in the new year.

During the renovation work on the ground floor, special attention is being paid to the operation of the kindergarten. The renovation of the sanitary and technical rooms will take place during the school holidays. The internal staircase is currently being formworked and the armouring is in place. The master builder is laying the foundations for the outside staircase. Both staircases will be concreted next week.

We can also see that construction is progressing on the outside. The carpenter has installed the substructure for the two wooden facades and made the wooden attic.

All the windows for the extension have been delivered and are being installed. The group rooms and the exercise room will have generous floor-to-ceiling windows, almost 7.60 m in length, facing south.

Installation work on the upper floor is also in full swing. Most of the ventilation ducts and electrical slots in the walls have been completed.
In the coming weeks, the plaster will be applied before the drywalling work begins.

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