Oberes Belvedere, Vienna – Competition Presentation

The Austrian Belvedere Gallery will publicly display the competition entries for the Upper Belvedere Visitor Centre.

We entered this open competition and are delighted to be one of the honoured participants. A total of 82 projects were submitted. Our design for the museum’s new visitor centre is based on a careful consideration of symmetry and spatial progression, and is characterised by clearly defined spaces rather than a spatial continuum. You can find out more about the design on our website or at the launch event.

The exhibition of the competition results will take place from 28 May 2024 to 2 June 2024 at Belvedere 21 and visitors are welcome every day from 11:00 to 18:00 and on Thursday evenings until 21:00.

We are very proud to have received an award for our project and are delighted that our design concept will be presented as part of the competition presentation.