Competition Care Center Steingrabenstraße, Mürzzuschlag

Project information

Krankenanstalten Immobilien GesmbH,
Stiftingtalstraße 4-6,
8010 Graz
Krankenanstalten Immobilien GesmbH,
Stiftingtalstraße 4-6,
8010 Graz
Steingrabenstraße 4, 8680 Mürzzuschlag
Start of planning
Start of construction works
Construction costs
Size of order

In an EU-wide competition process, concepts with an architectural design should be selected for the realisation of a new national care center.
In the location and in connection with the provincial hospital Mürzzuschlag, four nursing stations with all together 110 beds, therapy-, community- and palliative care facilities, will be established.
The competition entry of the WGA combines all functions together in an outwardly strictly geometrical shape. The existing park is surrounded by the building and ist separated from the public streets. The protected green area on the ground floor, flows in free forms into the interior of the building and continues into two courtyards. These penetrate the two overlying accommodation floors and join the community and common areas with the valuable green space. The compact structure connects a rational and economical design with a clear and natural design and allows a linear extension for a further courtyard, each with a station on each floor.