
Hildesheim School Biology Centre – Award of contract!

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the contract for the new construction of the Hildesheim School Biology Centre! Since its foundation, the School Biology Centre has been a recognised extracurricular learning location for “Education for Sustainable … Continued

Hildesheim School Biology Centre

Project information

Trägerverein Biologischer Schulgarten e. V
Am Wildgatter 60
31139 Hildesheim
Trägerverein Biologischer Schulgarten e. V
Am Wildgatter 60
31139 Hildesheim
Am Wildgatter 60, 31139 Hildesheim
Start of planning
Start of construction works
Construction costs
approx. € 500.000 (net)
Size of order
General planning and construction supervision

The Hildesheim School Biology Centre needs a new building to meet the increasing demands for modern educational spaces. The centre is not just a place where knowledge is  imparted, but also a space that focuses on appreciation for the environment and biodiversity. This is were students and teachers are inspired to take responsibility for nature and learn sustainable practices. Our new, contemporary building in sustainable modular timber construction will not only improve the infrastructure, but also expand the opportunities for learning formats that are both interactive and practical.

The new building will incorporate a variety of functional and modern spaces designed to be as useful as possible. These include an office with a library, which will function as a space for research and education. An accessible sanitary area will also be integrated. A kitchen will provide a central location for the community that can also be used for training courses and events if required. A seminar room that is perfect for practical training sessions and workshops will offer a great view of the terrace and the surrounding green landscape. Another component of the room programme is a storage area, which has plenty of space for technical equipment and materials, as well as an inviting hallway with a cloakroom.

A significant feature of the modular design is that the building can be extended or dismantled quickly and easily. This flexibility makes it possible to react quickly to changing requirements: If necessary, the building can be easily extended, dismantled and rebuilt at a different location. This approach not only promotes the conservation of resources but also enables the flexible use of building space. This allows construction projects to be designed so that they are sustainable and can adapt to the changing needs of users without wasting valuable resources unnecessarily.

The construction of the new School Biology Centre in Hildesheim demonstrates our commitment to sustainable building practices and sets an example in the region. This innovative modular construction method is not just creating a modern learning environment, it is also making an important contribution to protecting the climate.