Retirement Home Alfons Maria, Gablitz – Opening Ceremony

The festive opening ceremony of the Alfons Maria Centre for the Elderly took place on 19.06.2024 in midsummery temperatures and in a very cosy atmosphere!
The celebration began with speeches by Dr Rainer Beyer, CEO of the Association of the Divine Saviour, Mr Josef Kreimer, Director of the Institution and Home, and Sister Geißinger, Provincial Superior of the Congregation. The Mayor of Gablitz, Mr Michael Cech, and Ms Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister, Provincial Councillor for Education, Family and Social Affairs of the Province of Lower Austria, also welcomed the guests before the main event – the blessing of the building – took place. Musical entertainment was provided by two classes from the Gablitz Primary School, who provided live guitar and piano accompaniment and created a positive atmosphere. The speakers were presented with gifts and flowers. A picture of the centre’s namesake, Mother Alfons Maria, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour, was displayed in the foyer. Afterwards, food and drink from Germany and Austria were served on festively laid tables in the forecourt of the function room, and there was plenty of time for a cosy get-together.

The modern retirement centre was fully furnished and beautifully decorated in April this year. The residents bring vitality and charm to the building and the staff often remark on the good team spirit that prevails in the new centre. It is clear that people feel very much at home in the new care centre in the heart of Gablitz.

We would like to congratulate the new centre on its continued success and the very successful celebration!

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