Wagramer Straße 64-66, Vienna – Unfinished building completed

The unfinished building of the new residential complex at Wagramer Strasse 64-66 in Vienna’s 22nd district has been completed and work is now progressing on the front of the building. Some windows have already been installed in the jambs and scaffolding for the facade has begun. The next step is to apply the external thermal insulation composite system. The pitched roof on the courtyard side of the building is currently being covered and the skylights are being installed. At the same time, internal work is progressing well. On the first three floors, the substructures for the drywall and metal framing can already be seen. Following the partial cladding of the partition walls, the well-thought-out layouts of the apartments can already be seen on site and the fantastic future living ambience can be imagined.


<<see project>>