WGA Barbecue afternoon

Last Friday, the last barbecue of the year took place in our Vienna office garden – a successful end to our summer events! Many colleagues came together to celebrate and enjoy the last warm days of the year in perfect weather and a great atmosphere.

The barbecue team had prepared a delicious and colourful menu to please meat lovers and vegans alike. From juicy steaks and delicious vegan meats to freshly grilled vegetables, there was something for everyone. The delicious side dishes and refreshing drinks completed the culinary experience and created a relaxed atmosphere.

The barbecue was not only an opportunity to indulge in culinary delights, but also to socialise and make new contacts in a relaxed atmosphere. Many employees took the opportunity to share their experiences of the year and prepare for the challenges ahead.

We are already looking forward to the next barbecue season and many more social events in this and the coming year!